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Saturday, October 18, 2014

Garcinia Cambogia Review! It Is very Safe to Use

What is Garcinia Cambogia?

Garcinia is basically a fruit which founds in Indonesia. The fruit rind is used to make medicine. Don’t confuse garcinia with Garcinia hanburyi (gamboge resin).  The common name include garcinia cambogia, as well as gambooge, brindleberry, brindall berry, Malabar tamarind, assam fruit, vadakkan puli and kudam puli.

The fruit of the plant looks like a small, green pumpkin and is used in many traditional Asian dishes for its sour flavor. In the skin of the fruit, there is a large amount of a natural substance called Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA). This is the active ingredient in Garcinia Cambogia extract… that is, the substance that produces the weight loss effects.

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How does it work?

Developing research suggests that garcinia might prevent fat storage and control appetite; however, whether these effects occur in humans is unclear.
Very fortunately, some scientists found several human studies on Garcinia Cambogia. All of these studies are so-called randomized controlled trials, which are the gold standard of scientific experiments in humans.
The biggest of the studies included 135 overweight individuals, which were split into two groups.

Treatment group: 3 grams of Garcinia Cambogia Extract (a total of 1500mg Hydroxycitric acid) in three separate doses, 30 minutes before meals.
Placebo group: The other group took dummy pills (placebo).
Both groups also went on a high-fiber, low calorie diet.

How Garcinia Cambogia Works

Garcinia Cambogia Is very Safe to Use

Garcinia Cambogia appears to be safe. There are no serious side effects, only some reports of mild digestive issues.
While the preliminary studies are promising, further larger studies need to be done to definitively give us the information we still need such as whether it is safe to take daily indefinitely or if six months is just as safe as three months. While people have been consuming the fruit for centuries, the extract form with the higher HCA still needs to be studied in larger studies and also with longer durations.
When in doubt as to whether you should be taking this supplement, always check with your physician. While I am not in favor of taking this supplement with other weight loss supplements due to lack of data for safety, I hope that with the growing public interest that more studies on safety and usage will be done on a larger scale for this promising supplement.

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